Saturday 25 May 2013


It is one of the most humorous yet accurate depiction of creatures in our political Savannah today. I especially like Bush and Obama hyenas and monkey police (had me laughing for quite a while). So take a look and tell me how u feel about the mockumentary.

Courtesy Alex Jones's websites and

 As the creator, Scooter Downey, describes it: “Political Earth is a satirical mockumentary animation exploring the behavior of our world’s “political animals” — from the federal leviathan to the fat cats of wall street — all presented in the grand, sweeping, epic style of a BBC nature documentary. This series is narrated by renowned political animal expert and abstract concept DaVoice O’Reason.”

Saturday 18 May 2013


With all these conspiracies flying around about a "NWO: New World Order" where some globalist elite wants to wipe out 90% of the world's population and the existence of the mankind in danger. They say we have never been closer to annihilation of human race than we are today. They say we need to fight for our survival before 5.5 billion of us are eliminated. But i ask just one question to myself, that haven't we destroyed this planet enough already for our greed and lust for superiority? That haven't we tortured mother earth enough already? but i find myself little too hypocrite and too......human to answer these questions honestly. But one thing is for sure that ever since human 
kind stepped into the era of intelligence, it has been the biggest threat to this planet. 

We burn forests to create more land for habitation and farming, we hunt animals for food, money 
and sometimes just because we can. We made thousands of species of flora and fauna extinct with
our greed and disregard for nature. We pollute rivers to such an extent that sometimes nothing can even live in it. We treat mother earth as our garbage disposal dump site when we dump millions of gallons of crude oil in the sea or when we bury several metric tons of toxic garbage into landfills every day. We have and still butcher millions of our own specie everyday for appeasement of few. Lines on a map have become much deeper that sanctity for life itself. And then after committing 
such atrocious crimes we expect another chance for sake of humanity. 

Well in my view no matter how many chances we get, we will always end up in the same dilemma, that we are in today. Unless we somehow achieve a superior intellectual and transcend into an higher level of existence where we can live in harmony with nature, we are doomed. According to spiritualists, human soul consists seven emotions that inhibit us from ascending into a higher existence. These seven emotions are called "Seven deadly sins" and they are Wrath, Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, Gluttony and Sloth. Mankind will always end up at same crossroads in the future. It is our destiny but it doesn't have to be our legacy too. Either we can take this whole planet along with all its wonders down with us or we can give this planet another chance with a future that is without humans.

So i wonder if annihilation of all or majority of mankind will save this wonderful miracle we call earth, then why not? Yeah i know that this is very cruel thing to say. But honestly,when you put all the cruelty humans has laid out on life giving nature in perspective, human eradication doesn't seem like that bad a solution. Here's just a few instances of human cruelty on mother earth.

We kill baby seals for fur and meat by bashing their heads with iron rods
We kill non threatening and gentle elephants for their ivory.
We capture chimpanzees and other apes for medical experimentation and torture them until they die.
We kill whales for their meat and body fat.
We kill lions to satisfy our need for egoistical superiority above all beings.
We kill Tigers for their fur, sport and their bones as an ingredient in ancient remedies.
We kill sharks for their meat to be used as delicacies.
We kill otters because they eat fish too.
We kill chicken, cows, buffalo, goats, sheep and even little lambs for food.
We kill snakes for their skin.
We capture birds and confine them in cages for our amusement.
We hunt cheetahs because they are fast and difficult to hunt. 
We hunt foxes and wolfs for fur and because it challenges us.
We capture and enslave horses to run for our amusement and when they are unable to run, kill them.
We cut trees and destroy rain forests that are home to thousands of indigenous species.
We pollute rivers with chemical and toxic wastes.
We dump sewage into our rivers.
We pollute air with toxic fumes.
We pollute oceans when we dump oil in them.

and these are not even one tenth of what we do everyday. So think again do we really deserve a chance?

Sunday 12 May 2013

Chemtrails: The clouds of Death(Part 2)

In my last post i tried to explain the nature and creation of Chemtrails(chemical trails) and how they are different from Contrails(Condensation trails). I also listed some of the dangers and risks posed by chemtrails but there are many other less documented dangers associated with chemtrails. These risks are much more dangerous and deadlier, but have been ridiculed and dismissed by many researchers just because of one reason. Reason being that most of these dangers attached to chemtrails have been brought forth by conspiracy theorists. And because of this mainstream scientific community finds it much easier to dismiss rather than to separately investigate them. 

Thing about conspiracies is that the mere possibility of it being true, motivates people to investigate themselves. And when truth is asked by many, its not so easy to shut them up or label them as mentally disordered. People who reject the conspiracy theories on first sight are those who are either too busy or lazy to seek truth themselves. And their reality is limited to two dimensions of their lives. But what amazes me is that despite hoards and hoards of evidence people still refute the facts. Its a proven fact that through out the history of mankind, some individuals have always considered themselves as superior beings and that they are here to rule above all others. 

They have waged wars, murdered millions of innocent people just to fulfill their evil aspirations. In old days they we called Pharaohs, kings, emperors and today they are called Presidents, Prime ministers and globalist elitists. If this reality has not changed through last thousands of years, why would it now. Human race has always been enslaved, in old days it was done with violent display of power today it is done by psychological bounds. So open up your minds, don't be a slave to your own inhibitions

Morgellon Syndrome: This is much more recent phenomenon that has even stumped the most famous names in medicine and disease studies. In this strange disorder patient develops chronic skin rashes with red volcanic sores. And within these sores doctors have discovered colored fibers. These fibres are only visible under high magnification microscopes. Along with these skin inflammations, patients also describe a crawling sensation inside their skin as if something is moving around under their
skin. Medical opinion about this disorder is divided between those who consider this a physical disease caused by some unknown virus while others argue that all the delusions that patients are having suggests it to be  a more psychological nature disorder. But till date no one has been able to discover the cause of this disease. Many of the morgellon cases has sprung up in the areas where regular aerosol or chemtrail spraying taking place. Theory is that this is still an early stage of a deadly virus that government is developing. Most conspiracy theorists cite the agenda of population thinning for reason of development of this virus. But recent test and research have resulted in discovery of a bug like parasite found in skin abrasions of some patients. This bug looks much similar to the ant larvae in its initial development stage. This recent discovery has validated the crawling sensation that was reported by patients earlier. Be it absence of medical data or biological research, but initial diagnosis for patients suffering from morgellons was quite shockingly inaccurate. Most dermatologists, psychiatrists, and other medical professionals viewed Morgellons as a new name for a well established condition, delusional parasitosis also known as "delusions of parasitosis" (DP or DOP) and Ekbom's Syndrome. Morgellons is "a pattern of dermatologic symptoms very similar, if not identical, to those of delusions of parasitosis," and "the vast majority" (elsewhere, 95%) of Morgellons patients are diagnosed with delusional parasitosis or another psychosomatic illness. 

Many well know medical researchers have refuted the fact that a microscopic bug has been discovered in skin lesions of some patients. Because of this denial many patients of morgellons have started to research this unknown disease on their own, which has resulted in discovery of many new
facts that were initially unknown. But weirdest of all has been the discovery of a microscopic bug which seems to be a cross between a mosquito and fly. This has lead many people to believe that this bug is genetically modified specie that grows inside human skin. Government has been a prime suspect for the creator of this bug. Conspiracy theorists believe that government is spreading this viral bug all over the America in the disguise of aerosol which is sprayed for the purpose of geo-engineering the climate. But does it seems feasible that government would do something like this to their own people? On other hand when you look at whole picture and all that government has done over the years, then it not only becomes possible but highly probable that government is behind all this. And they are doing this on behest of the evil globalist elite in their mission to reduce the world population to 20% of what it is today. And government's involvement in this will become even more evident when we discuss this further.

 Even with the increases in preventable illnesses, the issue that has not been linked or addressed –with what Clifford Carnicom rightly calls “aerosol crimes”– is the deterioration of cognitive function. Our immune system is already under siege daily; and this has resulted in millions (possibly billions) of people with not just one illness, but often multiple ones. The skin, the largest organ in our body, is a permeable membrane. This means that invisible toxins in our air, including Chemtrails and other highly dangerous chemicals, go right into our skin. Poisoned rainwater (or snow touching our skin) does the same thing. When the air we breathe is filled with a dangerous assortment of toxins, with each breath we take, these poisons assault our entire immune system. These poisons also affect our brain and, thus, our cognitive function.

Aluminum is a major component in these aerosols. Although it is our planet’s most abundant metal, our body has no biological need for it. Pesticide Action Network North America [PANNA] lists it as “toxic to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity.

Yet, aluminum is commonly used in vaccines, deodorants and antiperspirants, over-the-counter medications, soft drink and beer cans, baking powder, cake mixes, processed cheeses, and other food products and additives. Over years, aluminum accumulates in the arteries, heart chambers, brain, tissues, and to a lesser amount the bones. It causes cardiac degeneration, dysfunction and damage due to the blockage and reduced blood flow and oxygen to arteries and heart.  Blockage of arteries leads to extra stress on the heart. This stress on heart combined with accumulation of aluminum in heart chambers can cause cardiac arrest.

In the last decade the number of patients suffering from psychological disorders has increased significantly. As per research of several medical experts the accumulation of heavy metals (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Titanium and Lead) in food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe and things we touch have also polluted our blood and body tissue. These toxic elements lead to body tissue starving for oxygen. Because of the limited supply of oxygen the brain shrinks, as brain cells die. This causes dementia. Symptoms include: emotional outbursts, paranoia, forgetfulness and memory loss, speech incoherence, irritability, diminished alertness, changes in personality, and poor/bad judgment. All these are on the rise, as more than 4-million Americans are afflicted. Brain deterioration and dementia take decades to cause serious and visible harm. Eventually, however, dementia is fatal

As far as these allegations go, nobody was certain about anything. And amidst this confusion an article appeared on the website of  Clifford E Carnicom on July 26th 2003. This article was about a secret meeting between a well known researcher/activist and a high rank official of military. Meeting was about the phenomenon of "Chemtrails" and the reasons behind it. What military officer revealed was shocking and unbelievable. Here's the information given by the anonymous officer about chemtrails.

1. The operation is a joint project between the Pentagon and the pharmaceutical industry.
2. The Pentagon wishes to test biological diseases for war purposes on unsuspecting populations. It was stated that SARS is a failure as the expected rate of mortality was intended to be 80%.
3. The pharmaceutical industry is making trillions on medications designed to treat both fatal and non-fatal diseases given to populations.
4. The bacteria and viruses are freeze-dried and then placed on fine filaments for release.
5. The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply.
6. Most countries being sprayed are unaware of the activities and they have not consented to the activities. He states that commercial aircraft flying are one of the delivery systems.
7. Most of the "players" are old friends and business partners of the senior Bush.
8. The ultimate goal is the control of all populations through directed and accurate spraying of drugs, diseases, etc.
9. People who have tried to reveal the truth have been imprisoned and killed.
10. This is the most dangerous and dark time that I have experienced in all of my years of serving this country.
This information mentioned above is sourced from Clifford E Carnicom website dated Jul 26 2003 and the article can be reviewed at
"It seems almost unbelievable that millions/billions of people could look up at the sky and not notice the dramatic changes that have occurred from what it was, for instance, in the mid-1990s. Then our sky was a gorgeous, deep blue. Clouds were a beautiful assortment of shapes. The sun was glorious. But people under 30, may not have a real sense of recollection about looking up every day and seeing this panoramic magnificence. Most of them are too busy texting or chatting on their cell phones. There are other issues to consider, as well: People are in their own comfort zones; and denial is a very powerful human emotion. In the hustle and bustle (now quite out of hand, for reflective time), how many people look up at the sky? It also takes huge courage, a very deep, internal willingness to examine politically motivated corporate controlled media spin, and search for the real answers. Humans like their regular routines. To re-examine what we think we know, based on new evidence, takes a willingness to think outside the proverbial box; to want to find out the truth –not the pervasive Orwellian doublespeak that pervades our society. If everything in our daily routine belies what is truly going on, it requires fortitude to explore the unknown –to question the litany." as stated by  Clifford E Carnicom.

Nothing is more dangerous to the continuation of human evolution than willful ignorance. We as human beings have reached such a conjuncture in our evolution that either we can ascend into a higher level of existence or we can lay the seeds to our own extinction right here. Truth is all around us and all we have to do is open our hearts and our constrained belief system to accept the revelation of truth. We have to start embracing those who challenge the flow of river rather than those who let the river decide where they will end up.  If we still continue with our blind faith and lazy effortless existence than all i can say is "it was good knowing you all".

                                                                                                                                    ABBY SAINI

Monday 6 May 2013

"Chemtrails": Clouds of death

 "Chemtrails": Clouds of death


Many of you might have heard about the new government plan of spraying of aerosol in upper atmosphere. Crystallized dust of aluminum, barium and strontium will be sprayed into the upper
atmosphere, due to reflector like capabilities of these elements. Theory is that when this aerosol will be spread in high altitude, it will reflect the harmful radiation from sun that has filtered through ozone back into the space. This will help in keeping earth cool and slow down global warming problem. To me it seems like hogwash. Theory might be correct but doesn't seem feasible to me. All over the United States of America planes can be seen in broad daylight, making zigzag patterns. At first they seem quite similar to the jets leaving contrails. Hence to understand this phenomenon we have to understand how "Contrails" are caused and how are they different from alleged "Chemtrails".

Contrails short for ("condensation trails") or vapor trails are clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but
can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vertices or in the air over the entire wing surface. Like all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liqud droplets or ice crystals. Sometimes "Contrails" can also be caused by presence of water based pollutants in the Jet fuel. Contrails dissipate in very short time, usually they last up-to 5-6 lengths of the plane. In conclusion these are harmless and are formed of elements abundant in natural environment.

But the story about "Chemtrails" is quite different and disturbing. About five years ago, citizens all over America started witnessing these zigzag patterns being drawn in sky by planes dropping some unknown white substance in the upper atmosphere. At first nobody noticed anything out of ordinary because everybody had seen fighter jets leaving a white trail behind them in the sky. That's why initially it seemed like normal they were "Contrails", but soon everyone realized that this was something completely different. Quite opposite to the fact that "Contrails" vanish in a short period
Of time, "Chemtrails" could be seen for hours. It seemed like "Chemtrails" were stagnant and were just hanging in the sky. But slowly with time the white streak starts to spread out in the sky. And after few hours the whole sky is covered in a white blur. Some well-known activists raised their concern over this issue. Conspiracy theorists and Social activists gave massive exposure to this issue, which alarmed many people and they too raised questions with the authorities.

Explanations given by the authorities range from "they are normal contrails" to "Geo-engineering  weather to cool down the earth and slow down the global warming". Even after such a widespread documentation of this phenomenon, most government authority figures don't even acknowledge that something is being deliberately done up there. Some officials and scientists have come out and admitted that government is spraying aerosol into the upper atmosphere to reduce amount of radiation that filters through the ozone and to geo-engineer the climate.

Some of the most famous and renowned names of scientific community, many of whom can be considered as premiers in their respective fields gathered at American Association for the advancement of Science Symposium in San Diego. One of the highly discussed topics was use of aerosol for Geo-engineering the environment. There was a general consensus that the white substance being sprayed in upper atmosphere is the fine dust consisting 70% of Aluminum, 20% Barium and 10% Strontium. Because of high reflective abilities of all these elements, a dust containing crystallized particles of these elements is sprayed into the atmosphere in an attempt to reflect back harmful radiation back into space.
When asked about the dangers of crystallized particles of these elements entering the ecosystem, one
of the morons with PhD Dr. David Keith argued that "possible dangers posed by aerosol spraying are far smaller than the possible benefits in future, and I don't think any amount of aluminum would affect us much". And when a journalist countered this statement with a question "We all know how harmful dust of metallic elements is for human and animal respiratory system and nervous system. So to clarify, you are saying that 10 megatons of aluminum sprayed into the atmosphere won't affect human and other life forms on earth." Here earth disappeared beneath the feet of Dr. David Keith test and research on ill effects caused by long term exposure to aluminum, barium and strontium dust. He had no right to stand on stage and support the government's decision of spraying aerosol in upper atmosphere.
When crystallized dust of metallic elements is sprayed into the upper atmosphere, it slowly starts to drop down onto the earth. When it drops down to earth excessive amounts of crystallized Aluminum, Barium and Strontium enters the ecosystem. Its insertion into ecosystem causes adverse effects on air, water, soil, plants and even health of life forms. With rain and precipitation the aluminum present in the soil reacts with water and results in many different kind of aluminum oxides. And accumulation of these aluminum-oxides in the soil messes up the alkalinity of the soil and raises the pH of the soil. This makes the soil unsuitable or any kind of conventional crop or plantation. 
Crystallized particles of aluminum, barium and strontium form a thin film or layer on the surface of the water. When they are inserted into any kind of water body like pond, lake or ocean. This thin layer blocks the sunlight from reaching the plankton. Plankton are the life line of a marine ecosystem and when their growth is effected because of some external factor, this causes unavoidable alteration in the marine ecosystem. Plankton are at the bottom of the food chain and provide for different kinds of marine life forms. So if the plankton is wiped out, it will directly affect everything in the ecosystem, because food chain will be broken.  And when food chain breaks, it usually leads to collapse of whole ecosystem because equilibrium of nature is disturbed. Secondly elements like aluminum, barium and Strontium reduce the level of oxygen present in the water, by reacting with water and combining with oxygen and survive.

 Even fully grown lush green forests can't withstand this dumping of this metallic dust. Because the metallic dust particles are crystallized in nature, they microscopic in size. When this dust settles on leaves and tree trunks, it blocks out the pores in the leaves. Because of this plant is no longer able to perform photosynthesis and eventually dies. Aluminum is not an inflammable material on its own buy when in the crystallized dust form it acts as an accelerant and intensifies the flames. Recent incidents of bushfires in Australia and United States of America has proved this theory. According to fire fighter who were handling these fires, they say they had never seen a forest fire of this intensity and this spreading speed. On one occasion when fire fighter reached to contain a bushfire in NSW, Australia, they couldn't believe that within 15 minutes of when the fire had started, forest of approximately 1600 sq kms was virtually turned to charcoal. Because of these reasons this issue has also been raised by members of fire, forest and Wildlife Preservation departments.

In next post we will discuss some of the most shocking conspiracies connected to this issue.